An Exploration of Teachers' Perspectives towards Cognitive, Affective and Linguistic Teaching Principles while Teaching English as a Foreign Language
The study aimed at exploring EFL teachers' perspectives towards cognitive, affective and linguistic teaching principles while teaching English as a foreign language. To conduct the study, the researchers prepared a questionnaire of 30 items that was distributed into three group domains. The first group was the cognitive principles. The second one was the affective principles, and the third group was the linguistic principles. Forty-six male and female EFL teachers responded to the questionnaire's items. Suitable statistical analyses were used to analyze the data. The results of the study pointed out that EFL teachers had positive perspectives towards these teaching principles, as the analysis showed that they looked at these principles positively and they gave them their utmost care and concern. Besides, the analysis showed that the cognitive principles came in the first rank compared with the other two groups (affective and linguistic) as they got the highest mean. Moreover, the results revealed that there were no statistical significant differences, regarding gender, in the participants' perspectives towards the importance of these teaching principles while teaching English as a foreign language as the means of males and females were closer to each other.
Keywords: Cognitive Principles, Affective Principles, Linguistic Principles, Foreign language.
Authors: Abeer Al-Ghazo , IssamTa'amneh
Doi: https://doi.org/10.47012/jjmll.13.1.2
Cited by: Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and literatures (JJMLL), 2021, 13 (1), 17-40
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