Effect of Corpus-based Activities on Learning Verb–Noun Collocations in Saudi EFL Classes
This study investigates the effect of corpus-based activities on learning verb–noun collocations in Saudi EFL classes. The differences between those who were instructed through the corpus-based method and those who were taught using the traditional method were analysed using pre- and post-collocation tests provided to 62 female university students. Fifteen verb–noun collocations were used. The results of the study show a significant positive change in the learning level of the experimental group that was given corpus-based activities. There were significant differences between the experimental and the control group; the latter group was only exposed to coursebooks and dictionaries. These findings will help facilitate the verb–noun collocations learning process for learners of English as a foreign language. They will also benefit language teachers and curriculum designers in focusing on modifying teaching methods.
Keywords: Corpus-based materials, verb–noun collocations, corpus linguistics, EFL classes, Saudi.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.47012/jjmll.14.2.8
Cited by: Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures (JJMLL) 2022, 14 (2): 371-383
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