Learner’s Attitude towards Effectiveness of Teaching Methodologies and Challenges of Foreign Language Learning in Jordan
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of teaching the course of the methodologies used in teaching foreign languages, along with the challenges faced by students throughout the learning process. In order to compare statistical results with qualitative findings, the study used convergent design and collected data from the University of Jordan’s students. A total number of 160 participants were selected and divided into two language groups, namely: German and Spanish to undertake the semi-structured survey. Results of the study showed that students complained about the theoretical part of the courses in general and had positive opinions related to their practical training trials and future prospects as teachers of Spanish or German. However, the findings suggested some important changes to be made in the course of teaching methodologies of foreign languages. Furthermore, students demonstrated a very good understanding of the intercultural communicative competencies that they applied in their trials.
Keywords: Teaching Methodologies, Foreign Languages, Effectiveness of Trials, Intercultural Competence, Teaching Challenges.
Authors: Renata Asali-van der Wal , Renad Al-Momani
Doi: https://doi.org/10.47012/jjmll.14.3.1
Cited by: Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures (JJMLL) 2022, 14 (3): 463-477
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