Influence of Symmetry Theory on Understanding the Qur'anic Ayas
Symmetry theory is a well-known mathematical theory, which has been applied to physics and chemistry as well as other scientific disciplines. Here, we apply the symmetry theory to language in general and to the Holy Quran in specific. We argue that there is ample evidence for this theory in language such as the X-bar theory, parallelism and the mirror image derivation across languages. We show that there are vertical as well as horizontal types of symmetry, some of which have a line of symmetry while others have a virtual point. The data is analyzed from a semantic angle with some reference to syntax. We focus on symmetry at the Aya (verse) level. The paper found that symmetry can help interpret Ayas of similar wording or similar structures. It also found that symmetry theory presents a solution for the either-or-pause Ayas. Further, it showed how symmetry theory help solve ellipsis in the Holy Quran. Finally, the paper revealed that there are symmetry-less sentences that communicate propositions without the need for a symmetrical image.
Keywords: Symmetry Theory, the Holy Quran, X’ Theory, Semantics, Discourse Analysis.
Authors: Ayman Yasin , Aiman E. Al-Rawajfeh , Ibtisam Hussein
Doi: https://doi.org/10.47012/jjmll.14.3.3
Cited by: Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures (JJMLL) 2022, 14 (3): 495-516
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