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Comparing the Dielectric Properties of Papaya Oil with Mineral Insulating Liquid under Temperature Variation

Olatunde A. Oyelarana,    Faralu M. Sanib,    Kazeem A. Belloa,

James O. Abioyea    and    Olayinka E. Olumokoc

 a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.

b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Usumanu Danfodio University Sokoto, Nigeria.

       c Heavy Equipment and Machinery Development Institute, Bauchi, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author: Olatunde A. Oyelaran                 Email: ajanioyelaran@gmail.com

Doi : https://doi.org/10.47011/15.4.2

Cited by : Jordan J. Phys., 15 (4) (2022) 343-352


Received on: 01/11/2020;                                                             Accepted on: 01/03/2021

Abstract: The world’s energy requisite has been controlled by petroleum oil for a long time in transportation, household and power sectors. Mineral Transformation Oil (MTO), being an essential insulating material in transformers, has been used for over fifteen decades. MTO application in the power sector could be hazardous to the environment, especially during a transformer explosion which may cause a spill of oil to the soil or water stream. Owing to the threat of MTO to environment aspects, alternative insulating oil with biodegradable characteristics has attracted a lot of devotions in recent studies. To validate the aptness of using Purified Papaya Seed Oil (PPSO) as an insulating fluid in an electric transformer, it is vital to compare dielectric properties of PPSO with that of MTO insulating liquid. This study presents a comparison of temperature effect on dielectric properties of PPSO with the MTO insulating liquid. Breakdown voltage, dissipation factor (tan δ) and dielectric constant were measured by existing established testing standards. The breakdown voltage was determined by IEC 156 standard test method, whereas the dissipation factor and dielectric constant were determined based on IEC 60247 standard test method. The results revealed that the variation of dielectric properties of PPSO due to temperature change was similar to that of MTO. However, the dissipation factors and breakdown voltages of dielectric properties of PPSO were better when compared with those of MTO at higher temperatures, but with a slight decrease in dielectric constants with the increase in temperature.

Keywords: Papaya seed oil, Dissipation factor, Dielectric constant, Breakdown voltage, Temperature, Transformer.

             PACS: 77.84. Nh, 88.05. Lg.



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